upswing list

been thinking about the things i like. A few of my favourite things, if you like.
  1. hosting successful dinner parties; these make me feel very grown up. i can cook fairly all right, and am quite entertaining with a glass in my hand, so people come, usually have good times, and only rarely get stuffed into our massive fridge. (this is true; i have a picture to prove it).
  2. having my (desi) guy friends take care of me even though i boss them around mercilessly all the time.
  3. not having to juice up to enjoy a party (this is a fairly new one, and is in an exciting and wrought-with-anticipation trial period).
  4. people i find myself laughing with, and with whom the conversation never dips; there are precious few of these, but i've identified them and will endeavour to keep them close.
  5. people in relations with whom there's always a delicious question mark.. like an extra caress on my waist while hugging goodnight, which can't mean anything due to issues of technical or emotional unavailability, depending on the case; but still...
  6. my parents being understanding about single-ness, and as minimally neurotic as they can possibly be, given that their only daughter lives continents away and pretty much has to take care of herself all the time. these are the same parents who followed me discreetly in their white Maruti the first time i took a DTC bus to college. (they were found out and i haven't heard the last of it from a certain wit i met in college who went on to be one of the heroines later in life.)
these, it seems, are some of the things that matter. in the coming weeks and months, i will try to use the continued existence of these as floats.


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