all better now

this weekend had been about food. i had the most amazing lebanese meat kabab things on friday night at Exmouth Market, a full english brekkie at the local on saturday, while trying to escape the flatmates whom i love but who were very unpopular with me yesterday, having kept me up all friday night with their drunken noisiness when i was tucked into my bed and trying to be dead to the world. saturday night saw some ben & jerry's with Gamma, and a yummy bit of dim sum at the same place where i stole a soya sauce dispenser last week. this time i got one of those cute little chilli oil plate-bowls. it was the most amazing non date and set my mood right. today there is to be sunday roast at home, with chicken pockets and whatnot. also, a little tub of nutella has crept back into my life - one of the dangers of the kind of utter bad moods that took me yesterday.



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