Crap and dark poetry for Maja

It sounds like you’re
Growing up, making investments
Feeling contentments
Probably in green dresses of silk and glamorous hats

Sardonically my cubicle inquires
What about freedom, risk, headlong rushing
Into futures unknown and the arms of strangers
Since that after all is what youth is about?

Chewing gum on a 3 a.m. sidewalk points out
that some forms of dependency are beautiful,
sharing sweet, security useful, judgement evil
and coming home is as exciting as going out

None completely happy, as no one can be
Me in a furtive clinch, you in a faithful cuddle
Hypocrites all, we find our ways.

Miss you, harnosandsboo!


Zareen said…
the last verse is inspired, genius. no idea if you meant it to be taken seriously or were just writing to a friend with a smile on your face (highly doubt it), but in the event that you meant the last verse, it is ... well.. inspired. gorgeous poem.
Zareen said…
completely understand now, if you think i have bad taste -- since you've gone and titled it 'crap..'

but tis okay,
we will agree to disagree.
last verse 'specially.

(see? THAT is crap verse. not yours.)
... and i'll shut up now...
wendigo said…
thanks zareen :)
don't shut up though.

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