
Richard murdered Richard Murdered Richard....
(pronounce 'Murthered')
It was the real thing.
Until tomorrow for the familar disparaging ones...


Ink Spill said…
Can still see the play when I close my eyes! sigh.
richtofen said…
wendigo and co...
please tell us heathen folk about how richard murthered richard murthered richard etc. etc.
running commentaries please. set changes, voice norms, script mechanics, et al.
Hyde said…
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Hyde said…
I thought this place looked familiar until I realised I had come here from InkSpillz.
wendigo said…
are you saying inkspillz and i have similar blogs? both of us would take offence at that methinks...
Hyde said…
No, no, no (in a way that would make Paul Eddington proud!). Ink broke news about your blog on her blog, which is how I got here the first time.
wendigo said…
i like your blog, too, by the way.

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