wendigoes to rannaghor

rajma chawal at last... the kitchen is usable, if a little dusty. i forced myself to leave work at half past five, get on a bus coming straight home, went out again to buy ingredients, and cooked! ah, the beauty of frying onions with chopped garlic... the bliss of hindi music with garam masala smells (the gora flatmates were out foraging for some remaining kitchen bits at B&Q, and i took advantage and blasted the raaga.com).... the joy of multichatting on google talk while multi tasking in the kitchen.. and then reading an old book sitting in a bean bag, waiting for the rice to happen. not to mention the maternal pride when friends appreciate your culinary skills.. and you press second helpings onto them. not that i press too much.. far too greedy meself.
i think cooking is a healthy habit. may it be my salvation in these troubled times.
in other news, i have decided on a halloween costume - hermione granger gone evil... like with a dark mark on her forearm. the bee agrees with me in that i could do parvati patil gone evil much more easily.


Anonymous said…
Cooking totally rocks in times of crisis! You should have gotten a bite outta my Karva Cahuth Gobhi parathas!!! :)

Happy Cooking in the new Kitchen!

Anonymous said…
shouldn't karva cahuth (sic) cooking consist of karva karelas?

(and she retreats)

Anonymous said…
Ok I cannot type!
And thappad at your PJ!


Word verification: Zelpim

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