mood log

1800 wednesday: euphoric
1900: tired from walk to bermondsey from victoria in heels, but glad heart
2000: bubbling over with wit at dinner with Anne
2100: cackling evilly on phone call from Pat in Mozambique, who is using company mobile to call me and get gory detail re the boys
2200: asleep on tube
2230: wake up 2 stops before mine, thank god
2300: overflowing with good feelings so long distance call to vile ex / best friend
2315: realise extent of broke-ness. also, again, of broken-up-ness. hang up and pass out
0348 thursday: wake with a start. feel guilty about financial and emotional damage to self due to incessant repetitive drunkenness and phone calling. tending to depression...
0450: set teeth and decide to sleep / not berate self / stop making long distance calls
0800: awake and ok. even mid-cheerful.

[trying to figure out if i have bipolar disorder]


sudha said…
tat sounds like a lot like my yesterday ..

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