racially intolerant post

is it just me or are people on london buses getting louder and more boisterous?
last night, a young oriental woman got into my 211 and sat down right in front of me. she had an ipod and a phone, and clearly couldn't decide which she was fonder of. so she took a phone call from what seemed a bosom buddy, with the earphones in. as she couldn't hear herself over the music, she yapped away loudly in a very annoying voice in a very irritating sounding language (well it was!). she went on For Ever. and when she got off, the whole upper deck audibly sighed. silly twit.
today on the 11, three american tourists, somewhere from the central bumpkin belt of the united states by the sound of it, got onto the bus and proceeded to harass the driver with absolutely stupid questions interspersed with weird anecdotes about their trip 'In Landon!'. They then sat down on the last seat and yelled every brand name they came across which they'd seen 'Back Home' as well - Ooh subway! Pizza Hut! - and then the occasional famous musical - Lion King Simba!!!

grrr. well. that was my rant for tonight. good night.


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