flattering pictures in dutch places

the wendigo in splits

some ganda fatta by this one. (blogger has decided to underline all the text)


Ash said…
Is this the face that swigged a thousand kegs
And drowned the bad bile salts of ileum?
...hmmm, we're missing the topless part here.

Anyhoo, now that I see you, it's easier to face your words.
wendigo said…
ash: what.. erm.. topless part???
and did my words traumatise you before?
Ash said…
Aren't we naughty. I meant the topless towers of ilium , of course :)- (Marlowe, Faustus)

It they did, I must have effaced them from me memory
Top-heavy, maybe. Topless, no.

Half a smile? Very noir.

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