of drugs and spacemen

i may die alone, but until then the vagaries and nuances of men will continue to entertain and haunt me. i indulge in utter wonderment - cuties everywhere; some who grin wickedly, others who judge you, those who open doors, those who walk off mid-conversation, some who talk over you to the next pretty girl at the table, some who fight for the seat next to you but then don't know what to say - all are creatures colourful and extraordinary... and i'm in some kind of dimension of discovery, a voyage of crazy swells and bitter troughs. it's as if i didn't notice the entire sex for the last twenty six years, as if i've just been born into a world of different animals. it's a most enjoyable world, and i wonder just how abnormal a state of heightened sensitivity, such as this, is - where i write a litany to the male gender.
perhaps, like ophelia, i'm just a good time girl. or someone's been drugging my chocolate for the last 6 months.


Anonymous said…
Well said :). Although, everyone's chocolate is drugged. Guess you just give in to the temptation far too much.

Also - this post is just the kind of opening statement we need for the prosecution while we sue women in the "ALL MEN ARE SAME" trial.
Achtlandia said…

did u have this separate old blog with ur darker, more intimate thoughts, and did u delete it? i tried to find it today, without any luck...lemme know.
Anonymous said…

i likes.

wendigo said…
orangecloud: you're right about the overindulgence bit, definitely. where's your blog?

goddess: yes i did.. but deleted it a while ago. all thoughts, dark and otherwise, to be found here only :)

bee: where are you, moronian?

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