another monday

Today is turning out quite different from the day I'd painstakingly planned from the vantage point of my shower. We are being acquired by a huge american company. Or another huge american company, depending on whose offer the shareholders find more attractive. We were briefed very briefly a moment ago; senior management is about as clueless as we are. All except the managers leading the deal, because they would at least have worked out the details of their annual bonus. 'Business as Usual', the grey-faced briefer parroted.
Colleagues are looking at big company #1's vacancy page for any jobs in California. Humans adapt, I suppose. It'll be scary if this brings horrid competitive American workplace culture to our lives though. It's been seeping in anyway through the string of annoying american and americanised employees who have joined us over the last two years, but making Americanism official will totally suck. Mad Men!
[The weekend was good though. Met old friends and went to old friendly places, and it was very hot - all 2 days of it.]
Now, back to career hunt. Again. I have to rethink my ideal job role and tweak it into something clients are actually willing to pay for.

Meanwhile, Inky is pottering around in the Netherlands.


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