no hope of sensible literature at this url for a while. try last month's archives

there should be a way to arrange posts such that you can put nice ones on top, and file the silly ones away, in case anyone important comes a visitin'.


Anita said…
curious to know how your chat with your boss went. was in same situation sometime ago and your previous posts reminded me of similar lists, endless speculation on what his counter accusations could be, coming up with reasonable answers, so on and so forth.
wendigo said…
ah.. boss chat was damn good.. lasted 2 hours and he paid for lunch. and it seems the team is gonna take the direction that i thought it should take.
i kinda have an exemplarily cool work sitution; so wouldn't take it as standard issue.

thanks for visiting and for being interested. what happened on your boss talk?
Anita said…
boss heard me out. reduced my targets to realistic levels. gave me better clients to handle. did not pay for lunch. 3 out of 4 is not bad :)

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