whatajumble whatajumble

pehle i was unhapy ki no one wanted me. and now my basic chinta is that i'm too wanted and there isn't enough of me to go around. my kameeni backstabbing non work permit applying employer is having serious second thoughts about letting me go without a fight. my saturday jobbie people are all happy and talli that i'm gonna work with them for the next two weeks. and the company i found, out of the blue and interviewed with yesterday, suddenly wants to lay a stake to my life. i want to give my all to the saturday jobbie people for they give me much happiness. and the out-of-the-blue peoples' intentions are suspect. so i shouldn't irritate the sweet saturday boss by running off to workshops and meetings with the latter company, unless they give me an iron clad contract and a work permit. but what a whole different mess from having 'nothing to do', 'no one to want me' and 'no reason to come back'! agh.


nemo said…
there is no pleasing you, is there?
wendigo said…
of course not. then what would be the point of having a blog?

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