
Intro – what is the scene - profileration of privately owned public access space - this is the trend - but is this shrinking the public domain - can we still have a public sphere - 500 words
What am I doing about it in this paper - reconceptualising public space - then finding ways of making these new reconceptualised types of privately owned public access spaces such that they can constitute a public sphere – 500 words
Lit review – sociologists & privately produced public space - cynical, baleful – 500 words
economists & public goods - honest about the fact that public goods are problematic in a market – 500 words
Methodology – what I am doing overall – trying to bridge the gaps between the 2 disciplines – 200 words
Eric raymond’s linux metaphor (he did the bridging already, lucky me) – 500 words
Findings – how to use linux collective authorship metaphor in context of privately owned public access space

Frug & possibilities – 600 words
De Certeau & possibilities – 600 words
Lefebvre, Mattila & possibilities – 600 words
Recommendation – design of a privately funded public street game in privately owned/managed public space – 1000 words
Conclusion - World’s 4th best sociology department accepting this and awarding me an MSc – priceless

As a dear dear girlfriend used to say “kalmuhi, KAAM kar le!”


The questions I ask about these models are (a) who pays (b) for what product? And as a corollary, what are the take-aways?

It's all about money, honey.
If nobody's making a profit, the model will die.

wendigo said…
thanks for pointing that out. believe it or not, i Had thought about it!
thing is, in the UK, there is already a sense of 'making private pay for public'. that's what new labour is all about; (i think it's a bit ambitious, but still, gotta work within the system). the way to do that in terms of space and urban development however, is rather weak; that's what one is attempting to address...
so -
(a) private sector pays
(b) for a healthy public sphere
utopia you think? well, you gotta start somewhere

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