On my way in to work

  • I saw crazy guy at Little Ben, near Victoria station. He was shrieking jubilantly at intervals, and doing a sort of jig around a black electric meter box. I wondered if he was doing a theatre exercise, practicing for a play, or something.
  • A busker strumming a guitar near the entrance to Peter Jones offices. He had red watery eyes and sang a laidback sort of song without much hope. He could be a druggie.
  • I saw starbucks looking warm and festive and fought the urge to go in and further propagate the coffee chain culture explosion. Bar-stucks, I anagrammed cleverly, trying to distract myself from the smell of toffee nut latte.
  • I saw how blue the sky looked and broke into a trot, swerving deftly between a couple of toursists and a mum with pushchair approaching from the other direction.
  • I saw the O2 shop and thought ruefully about how crap my phone is, and how helplessly i'm tied into my 18 month contract.
  • The trot somehow made me decide that i would go to the national gallery / portrait gallery tomorrow. Checked the weather forecast quickly on said phone - it's clear and 8 degrees.
I need to be inspired please, London. Looking to the masters of the art movement to start with.


Chicu said…
good to see you again, madamjee..was afraid you'd given up the blogging thing.
wendigo said…
Hello Chicu
No no not yet, there are a few rants and rambles left in me still!

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