
in a shop window today i saw woollen, rainbow-coloured 'willy-warmer'. a kind of sock like thing with two ball pockets, in which to place your entire willy paraphernalia in northern climes to prevent discomfort and even shrinkage. it made me WISH so hard i had someone to gift it to



Ash said…
Hmmmm....won't the hard part be left to the recipient's disecretion?
wendigo said…
oh the riddles. i see the pun but don't get the usage.
Ash said…
what usage? bound to be sexy and disappointed if you give cents to what I vomit. Even fools with torny crowns look kind and stately sometimes.
wendigo said…
'm hoping torny was a typofied thorny. otherwise there are too mny layers to decipher your.. um.. vomittance.
What shops do you go to ? ;)

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