career / counselling

so how do you market yourself at work so that you get to work with the most interesting people on the most interesting projects and also get a raise? i have a deep sense of 'cheapness' associated with 'doing business'.. using people and social situations to reach career goals. it makes no sense, i know i know. if someone gave me a step by step manual of how to behave with potential career boosters (and how to recognise them), i would probably get over the silliness, and by practicing it, i would start believing in schmoozing. but as of now, i schmooze only when desperate. and i am very conscious of it when i do it.. so the smoothness, slickness is lacking. after 2 days of brooding about it, i couldn't muster the courage to chat with a very cool and friendly boss type about working with him on stuff that's right up my alley. and now my proposed saturday night schmoozy dinner party plans are all jumbled up with non schmoozy dinner party plans.

in other news, boy #1, otherwise known as Craven Cad or Heartbreaker, has new glasses. they bring out the inner evilness in him and sadly make him even more desirable to me. sadly, 'tis high time my gentle readers learnt that two kisses do not a story make. on a slightly brighter note, he has a new colleague, who is egyptian i think, and very hot. today this new hottie was brought around to show everyone (as is our custom at 6GCP3fl), and i see definite possibilities. perhaps the day isn't far when all male pretty newbies will be greeted at the door with a pout and an 'i'm the office bicycle..' NO! going out friday i think. must meet non-office men!

also, must resist killing self when sun sets at 3.30! and must totally resist chocolate! 2 pimples have broken out on face in protest!


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