the world has gone crazy

a 21 year old disturbed college student writes belligerent poetry one day and shoots his college-mates 2 years later. my friend loses her room-mate, because some korean kid thought they all had it coming. a professor grumbles that if Virginia Tech hadn't been a gun-free zone, a conveniently placed gun-carrying faculty member could have taken down the errant party. i read something about orkut in the news and am struck by inspiration to track down the celebrity deceased, and to verify the room-mate connection. i find her 'scrapbook' which is full of condolences and false alarms and even a fake herself.
are you alive minal? yes she is, i saw her. here i am! it's a fake ID, bastard! let's all give him a hard time, he's anti Indian spirit.
clearly, our generation has distinctive values. there is a theme to our times. and among other things, we believe that dead people check their email. 22578 scraps at last count, her friend's message plaintively quavers - may you rest in peace,dear.


Anonymous said…
wow... when i had checked her orkut page a day after the incident there were around 3500 scraps of which at least 1000 (i think) must have been msgs of worry at her disappearance (she hadn't been declared dead yet).

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