
can someone tell me what's bothering me?
i can't pin it down. it's been like this all week, and especially today. my thoughts are all over the place. my work isn't getting done, inspite of my keen interest in it. i seem to be on the margins of everything, never immersed, always on my way to a better setting or a more suitable task. i am tiring of it and i can't stop.
can someone tell me what's bothering me? you know what to do...


Ink Spill said…
You are being lazy in the cold and are cutting your own hair. It's ok. Give yourself a break.
I truly don't mean to be facetious, but - are you getting some? I believe good sex releases more endorphins than a 20-minute run.
wendigo said…
you may actually have nailed it, kind mr couch. however, even though i am a great believer in the healing powers of nooky, i feel there's more to it this time that.

inky. i have been giving myself breaks, cookies and pampering for 4 days now. you tell me if it's helping.
Self Writeous said…
May be you should start capitalizing your first letters after full-stops and appease Lord English :)

He'll take care of the rest.
Thetis said…
everything has already been said :|
Anonymous said…
concur with the hair cutting and getting some... or just "chillax."

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