please don't arrest me

there was once a blog
that promised many things
to a girl who was by turns mad, bad and glad
(and on mondays, a sick dog)

tell me all, it said
to her when she had
a lump in her throat or giggles in her tummy
or epiphanies, lying in bed

the words were precious
to the woman at the keyboard
but the words were also rare

there came a day
when no inspiration
human or divine
would keep writer's block at bay

the clever child
she penned a rhyme
that sucked so much
it drove her wild

so she left it unfinished

picture posted to meet minimum entertainment requirements.

nice party venue no?


Ink Spill said…
The Bobbies just knocked at my door and held up a gun to my forehead and your URL under my nose. What should I do now?

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