
when he said he was going to boston for two days, i didn't really feel too bad. we are quite old brooms now, so there was none of that sharp breathy pain in my throat which meant i would miss him very much. i did throw a tantrum about moving day, but that was different, and as recorded here, it brought results. when we were awake together since 4 am this morning, i was generally happy to be with him, early in the morning, enjoying the newness of our new flat. when he stepped out the door, i hugged him tight but still thought oh c'mon.. don't be a ninny. you don't really feel.. well.. anything. I got to work, started writing something, pretty much forgot to call and see if he'd boarded the flight etc, and was a tad annoyed when he called in the middle of a lively discussion with my team-mates. after the brief bye bye, i got back to work. sent him a text a few minutes later, just, off hand.
then i realised he hasn't replied because he's taken off. suddenly i feel a flood of tears welling up inside and can't wait for the 72 hours to pass before he shows up and annoys me with a calllous comment about my hair again. uff yeh mohabbat!


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