
All the people i used to talk to in english, really talk to, heart to heart, express feelings and ideas, have left. or are nearly gone. in any case, i never seem to have time to meet them anymore. i speak to myself in bonglish, the bear in hinglish, my parents (over skype) in teenage-lish, my mum-in-law in bengali much purer than mine and to dad-in-law in indian english (different from hinglish in that it involves only english words, but with indian intonations). as a result, what comes out of my mouth is complete gibberish - ESPECIALLY at work.
i've been listening to Stephen Fry read Harry Potter pretty much 24/7 (at work, on the tube, at home, in the shower..). obsessive you might say, but it hasn't helped any. think my tongue won't take to his upper class english inflection that easily.
another reason to miss anne, amy, my singlehood, lara's singlehood, andy, eva, patricia, priyanca.. the list is endless :-(
friends are such riches, but lately they've been fickle.


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