the problem

Right now there are either too many people who love me. or, nobody loves me. one of these. the tug of war for spending time with various parties, the empowerment of various stakeholders has become too much to bear. and this is even before the most contentious ones arrive (la goris). or at least they were the ones i thought would be most contentious. what surprises me is that i don't feel like leaving the fold and running off to be a rebel with my cool friends. dad left for gabs today, but mum is around til i leave for goa. i secretly almost wish i didn't have to move to the bloo's, entertain the londoners, catch up with the school friends etc etc. i secretly want to lie about in chanakya puri, occasionally going to watch a film or buy shoes with my mum and the aunty she's staying with. and of course, when it gets too much, get someone or the other to rescue me, then go have a few long ones or a couple of shags, depending on who the rescuer is. (this at least has already been achieved).
this is what happens when families decide to live on 3 different continents; a month is not enough for home.
oh, and speaking of home, i totally miss my beanbag.


You are a legend in the way you seem to get a Shag-on-Demand. Good on you!!

Maybe you should start a desi version of

Nice blog - Keep it coming!!!

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