my third eye

maybe because it's the season of the goddess, an all seeing eye has made itself apparent in the centre of my forehead. my namesake's third eye is frankly and unabashedly a part of her optical paraphernalia, containing whites, a pupil, and even what looks like eyeliner. Albeit the entire object is perpendicular to the eyebrow line. she is a goddess, Ma Durga; she can get away with it. as i am a mere mortal, my new facial feature much resembles a giant, pulsating, colour changing pimple. it even has fine hairs sprouting from and and around it. i can spend hours gazing at it in a mirror, playing the which-came-first-the-pimple-or-the-hair game. as a mere mortal appendage, in fact, it has done its best to creep down my visage, so that it rests neatly at the projected intersection of my eyebrows - too high to be on my nose, but too low to be on forehead proper. it effectively rules out the use of bindis with any Indian wear.
Both third eyes can however, destroy the universe. So my heavenly counterpart and I would like to warn you all to stay out of our flight path, and never, but never, poke the bear.


Ash said…
hilarious :) Eye can't bear it anymore. need visions of this divine visitation. please introduce us to your pimp. foto time, anyone?
wendigo said…
but then i'd have to hook up a camera to the computer and transfer and crop and copy and... honestly, it's not worth it.

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