the fresh snow disappeared fast, and all is quiet on the western front

perhaps someone couldn't believe their luck to have snow in their life suddenly, and breathed hard and sighed and the breath was hot and melted it. gave too much to it too soon, and, horribly, had hopes that the snow would make their eyes sparkle tomorrow, and day after, and the day after that. but the snow had other plans (and a low hot breath tolerance), and now the streets are bare.


Zareen said…
Calton Hill... did you go there?! Wasn't it so special?!???
(Sorry, I DO go on and on about this).
wendigo said…
yes, was rather special. more so because of the company.
Zareen said…
the company.
(though i had a thunderous fight with the honourable company. still, i think it added to the atmosphere)

awesome keeping up with your blog, as always. shame about the snow melting, but hey - it's spring. aren't you simply aching for the warmth?

ps - a little birdie told me that Tara at http://tare-jalao.blogspot .com linked to your blog on her page. if you ever have a spare moment and are catastrophically bored, do go and pay a visit, and bless her new baby blog?
wendigo said…
oh but i already did.

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