a useful sort of day

meeting 1 - long and boring; i cut in at required points and said requisite things
meeting 2 - short and intense; i was scathingly candid to 2 clients; senior regeneration manager of national regeneration agency, and housing manager of poorest london borough. left feeling terrified of consequences of their rigidity and my rudeness. rewarded back at the office by a phone call.. 'well.... we can consider...'. Yay.
boy 1 - back in office after 2 weeks. of course we'd had a preview reunion on saturday night. couple of false starts, but then smooth sailing. fantasy number twenty seven realised - found ourselves alone in photocopy room. no, nothing happened.
boy 2 - very sexy, quite not interested anymore, may be a good friend one day. very sexy. damn... :-)
dish 1 - turned out perfect as usual. spicy, coconutty, vegetably
dish 2 - disaster. meat tastes like rubber. onion tastes like meat, which i suppose it should. damage control in progress. also, how to store tons of food in freezer for two day build-up to party, when we have no containers? problem.....

nood gight for now.


Anonymous said…
get tupperware that will neatly fit into your fridge, which is actually quite spacious.


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