the spoon and something

bhai saab..

i am still capable of babut zor se talli hona, in spite of steady whiskey diet.
am glad to have made it home tonight. could have stopped at any number of benches on the way to die; could have gotten laid; wouldn't even have noticed it through the drunken haze.
in any case, am at 0043 hours on friday evening, home, very very drunk, celibate (as usual), tired, and not regretting it. came away at the right time, i think. any more and there would have been lots to repent.
quite a miracle that i made it home actually. missed all possible buses, woke up inky by calling her near midnight, and nearly jumped into the river at several points (it looked so pretty).
wish you could have seen the unedited, un-spell-checked version of this.
goodnight, and good weekend.

an exhausted bong


Anonymous said…
welcome to the dark side.
Pareshaan said…
I wish you had posted it as it happened all misspelt, slurring and drunk.

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