life after july 2006

The work I do must be such that it makes me feel good about myself. I should not do something I am bad at. I cannot live with myself if I am bad at my work. And that leads to all sorts of ugly complications.

It isn’t that I feel good about myself only when I receive praise for something, surely? Or are praise and accolades but a part of accomplishment? That’s a normal human thing.

I am good at thinking and abstracting. Also at writing (mostly) and at performing. However, professional acting is out of the question. Too many scary possibilities there, negative ones. I prefer my own hell of academia and urbanism.

Teaching maybe? You think, you abstract, you write and you perform. And collect more degrees side by side. (You also collect artefacts like love-struck students, if you’re Greek, brainy and have pink spots on your cheeks.)

So I should figure out how to get a teaching-researching job, possibly in lovely London. Excellent. It helped talking to you. Thank you very much.


shub said…
good luck!
Who's the Greek God?
Sorry, perhaps I'm too inquisitive.
wendigo said…
shub - thankew kindly

aqc - do you want his name, address or phone number?

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