ignora bose

I am hopped up on flu medicine and i have been doing word play. someone was chat-ignoring me, so called him an ignorer, then cutely, an ignoramus, then realising the potential of my last name, ignoraBose. Ignora could be a girl's name, so if life were really really sad, my mum could have named me Ignora, which would explain why i was being ignored.
Did I mention the flu medicine?
Annnyway. I may be moving to West Hampstead soon. It's kind of a pity, as Stokey feels even more like home since I came back from my intercontinental sojourn. but W Hampstead feels like Chanakyapuri. So. And I have to do Something to reduce mum's illogical anxieties. an indian female flatmate will have to do for now. I realise it's a case of the glass never being full, that if i even get married to some bangali dude just to please her, she'll ask me to pop out babies next. but she has succeeded in screwing me up enough to suppress my natural thought proccesses in this case and move house. to a location that she (they) will prefer visiting, with a more acceptable flatmate. such is growing up, i believe.
now this is not what i intended for you when i asked you to watch this space. then i was talking about pretty pictures of brussels, bruges and antwerp. hopefully they will make an appearance soon.
headachedly yours,


Which leads into my post about how shitty it is to be ill and alone.'


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