working saturdays

today i Found broadway market. i walk through it every morning on my way in to the new and temporary office, and always plan to come back and sniff around later. it has a delicious bookshop, some pretty cafes and a tiny art gallery with 1960s portrait prints at the moment. it was saturday today and i was guilt tripped into coming in and finishing what i'd started (because the sweetie of a boss gets hyper near deadlines, and his pointy nose turns red and quivery.) so i walked through the actual market market for once, not just the pucca shell. it was 10ish, so people were setting up stalls, rough little strawy ones, no redevelopment and glassy steely here. yet. so stuff was cheaper as well. after getting over my excitement at finding a sweet and a savoury breakfast thingie for less than £2, i kinda let caution fly to the winds and followed my greedy nose. banoffee pie, chicken pasty and chocolate eclair happened directly, while new york cheescake, salmon wrap and olives weredog-eared for future ref. when i finally got to the office, having torn myself away from the loveliness that is an english farmers market on early saturday mornings, i found that i had just enough time to print off a plan and make for bankside, to map land uses. luckily, one of the co-bosses happened to comy by while i was in, recognising and validating my hard workiness in having gotten out of bed on a weekend morning.
bankside, then, turned into a battle against winds, buildings which were houses but pretended to be breweries, unfriendly traffic lights and a good friend. yes, battle still applies as this friend and i essentially word spar all the time we're together. among other things he accused me of being less pretty than him, short and fat (a common failing of many people's eyes when they look at me), obsessive about compulsively actions of men i have crushes on (as i've just scared off another one) and a better guy than a girl. oh well. i suppose i must have gotten my own back too - i don't let good friends keep their (often bloated) egos for too long. not healthy.
we then went to Borough market, which i think felt that i had market-cheated on it earlier today, as i didn't come across either the chorizo stall or the mussels, but was forced to queue up for the baguette deal. luckily, i managed to avoid the actual baguette and got just the meat and stuffing.
some more bickering later, friend and i ended up by the river, where he of course felt too cold and complained constantly and demanded to go back to the cathedral instead, where there was sun. honestly, isn't it enough for you people that the sun comes out and turns the sky blue sometimes? must you chase its warmth as well? the sun has other priorities y'know, like making ethereal type clouds over st pauls for example.
anyway, more of same till i realised by how much i'd passed my self imposed deadline for the day's traipsing - authentic land use be fucked, i needed to get back to the office and actually produce drawings. so there may be some slight discrepancy in which pub goes where under which residential use building..
anyway, moving on, now back in office, worked for a few hours, realised i can't make it for a birthday pub event in w10 (also didn't particularly want to, as the birthdayee has been out of my good books recently, and it's bloody w10 and i'm in e2), so am sharing a pizza with the only other person silly enough to be working on saturday.
although imagine if all work days were like this!


Very nice walkabout. More?

Anonymous said…
You write very well. Its very evocative. And almost exactly like someone I know.
Self Writeous said…
Whoa bright white background!!

wendigo said…
thanks all. hope delhi inspires me enough to keep writing the next few posts. sure it will...

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