opinion poll

your first and praps only chance to voice your thoughts on me Me ME! go ahead, take the poll at the bottom of the sidebar.


Rachna said…
Gee... look at the poll result, they sure are lined up to marry ya, cook for ya and give ya foot rubs!!!
Where are the buttons for "None of the above" or "Nothing a good binge can't cure"?
Jitu said…
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Jitu said…
why didnt you put anything "nice" about yourself in the polls??

apologies if you mind a random person leaving a message, just landed up through and through.
wendigo said…
@dumela: dumela mma! welcome. and ya, poll results are nice; if only 't'were real life

@aqc: not the right buttons to be pushing really

@jitu:'random' people are most welcome. and i am waaaaaay too modest to put anything nice about myself in a poll >D
[c'mon the footrub thing is NICE]
Ubermensch said…
foot rub forever? is that negotiable?
wendigo said…
well, there certainly has to be rubbing of some sort. fo-evva
Ubermensch said…
oh student thinker drone name it and we shall rub it in ....

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