i am very overconfident about my writing abilities

have to design a hypothetical street game in 5 hours. besides the fact that i have no time to do a cost-benefit analysis, as any halfway decent msc student should do, i also have no clue as to what sort of game. i only have vague ideas in my head about BIG rubber balls (taken from this website), movable benches (my idea but supported by this one) and a silly-putty floor. the idea is to radically change the idea of public consultation in private developments. what is now a dead one sided negotiation between big farts and little ones, i want a level playing field, literally, where anyone, a casual passerby, can play at being a space designer, not by drawing lines on paper and visualising miracles, for which you need training, but by their hands and feet, through chalk and hopscotch, blocks and grass, lying down and running, or skating.


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