the magic terrace-window nexus

Our little second floor terrace is very rudimentary.
no railings, no fence, no privacy,
in fact it's quite giddy especially where wine is involved.
however when red gray clouds billow across west london skies
and airplanes fly low, gathering courage to plunge through them
when lights from this city create unearthly shapes high up
a simple poke of the head out the window does it -
transports you, to the realm of flying stormy winds
speedy urgent leaves, loose.
and if you raise the window up and stick yourself mostly out
you can make friends with cloud number 9.


Tara said…
welcome back =)
Anonymous said…
lauuuuuuu it!

Magenta said…
wendigo said…
thanks Tara, Inky and Shruti. i will now go and check out all Your latest melodies.

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