
right now, my work email has a string of messages from the bear, about the weekend, his colleagues, my colleagues, my parents, and food. Interspersed with a few messages from anne about our plans tonight. A reminder email about downtime on something called 'projectspace', which i've never learned how to use. And one acknowledgement email for the one piece of work work i've done in 4 hours.
My gmail inbox is full of facebook notifications and useless recruitment ads. Atkins global thinks i'd make a good signalling engineer one day and a great FM technician another. Among these lurks a single response to one of the many feeler emails i've been sending out, because this week i decided again to be a proper 'writer'. let's wait and see if it comes to anything.
So obviously, my sent messages folder is full of various emails with attachments or links to kinda well known websites and obscure architectural journals. I'm not aiming for the Guardians or the ADs yet. First i have to finish reading the weekly Economist and then see if its realistic to subscribe to the Guardian or the Telegraph again. And then i can identify gaps in their entertainment provision, and attempt to fill it. I realise this is isn't logical, not directly. It has something to do with discipline and humility and also general knowledge. I'm not very ambitious.
the rest of my desktop is covered with excel sheets that i'm looking at once every 20 minutes. a tab trying to hide behind the system tray says 'harry potter audio book 2 - chamber of secrets - mudbloods and murmurs'. Yes, i've found a new way to celebrate my potter monomania and get work done at the same time. Credit for this brilliant idea goes to an ex neighbour, who suggested i should plug potter into my headphones and use my fingers and eyes for work instead. brilliant.
what's on your desktop?


Chicu said…
my desktop..files I've created and havent bothered to drop into the right I am surreptitiously editing for my blog..things I should read to better my soul (but haven't gotten around to yet- apparently my soul can wait)..and far too many newsletters from dam-, water-, recruitment-, and fitness- related websites..and on my ACTUAL desktop, there is a tottering stack of papers that I havent gotten around to filing and a bright, bright blue mug filled with bright, bright colour pencils

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