mist city

oh come on... we get it, it's april, it's cruel, bright one second and sopping wet the next. spring exuberance, spring uncertainty, growth, struggle, victory, still-birth. the sky is the same shade of grey whether its bedtime, lunch or tube-time. the big yellow crane outside the window catches the corner of my eye every few minutes and i turn to see of the sun came out. we get it, it's england, it's april, it's supposed to be like this. but what's with all the mist? it's like dementors are mating or something.
(at least someone is.)


Tara said…
LOVE this.
'It's like dementors are mating or something.'
And yes - isn't it totally crap!? Have been sitting at my desk writing for the past 3 days and the view from my window is totally the colour of rotting cardboard. Totally disgusting. WHEN WILL SUMMER ARRIVE!!!
d'mentor said…
she wassssssssssss gooood
wendigo said…
ulp... the dementor line is directly lifted from HP6 by JKR

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