
i've had very little sleep for the last 48 hours. Friday night i was coerced into staying much longer than i wanted at a brazilian bar in very so so company. Saturday night i had a very horny man in my bed. consequently, the Sunday evening quiet is very blissful and i wish it could last a good few days. in fact all the remaining 8 days until i leave for my one month holiday in india. things need sorting out in my mind; maybe the trip will do it, maybe it won't. the trip may be a saga of unrestful activities, which will numb me to the big questions which probably need answering by now. or do they, i don't really know. anne was helping me fabricate a masterplan for my life for the next couple of years. with her, it seemed simpler and believable.

[deleted section, to avoid additional complications in case of accidental blog viewage by others who sometimes use my computer :-]

answer 1: doing sunday work now, on tuesday, sitting up in bed, my body a big ball of flowing phlegm, hoping that this doesn't make the company choose to make me a budget cut in these hard times.


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