cowardy custard / stop saying never!

i didn't write the article, or any article. this is probably because this time it would mean that someone else would read it, and their judgement of it would be valid. and i may have had to face up to the fact that i cannot write, and will never be a 'writer'. today i also thought that i can probably never be in education either, as i don't have any clean 'message' to give a student. i'm brimful of questions. this applies to urban regeneration, governance and polity, but also to love, singlehood and lifestyle. i already figured i could never make it in acting last year. so it looks like the field of possibilities is getting narrower and narrower.
and i'm sure they all expect me to have a 'life' by the time i'm thirty. clock ticking....


Anonymous said…
Maybe theatre?

wendigo said…
i'm hurt. this proves you didn't read the second last line of my post, don't listen when i'm talking, don't pay attention, etc etc etc

Anonymous said…
Arey baba, how does acting directly imply 'stage' :P


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