watch this space

I went to belgium and had lots of beer and belgian chocolate and took lots of photos and learnt to appreciate my friend Anu more. (hupp, kinky brains). then i came back and had a not nice day at work. then i went and schmoozed at a party and achieved 2 out of 3 schmoozing objectives. i also had a cosy chat about his girlfriend with Z the G who made me eat 3 soggy potato chips against my wishes.
my colleague at work said blogs are written by people who want to legitimise themselves in cyberspace when they don't find a reason to 'be', in real space. still, watch this space.


And the point is ... ?
wendigo said…
sorry, don't understand your question.
richtofen said…
why on earth, mister couch, does there have to be a point?

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