"nicole is here with minestrone soup"

i'm back in london. really really busy. this is a placeholder for my next angst ridden post (well it has to be angst ridden, no), but for now, enjoy the ripple of a group email sent across a room full of engineers, environmentalists, planners and one solitary socially sensitive urban designer.


karrvakarela said…
A solitary socially sensitive urban designer. Sounds like a stereotype, someone who speaks in soft whispers, eat momos for lunch and comes to work dressed in biodegradable banana leaf sandals. I'm sure you're colleague is not like that but, tell me, are the walls of his office covered with photographs of smiling children? Does he oil his hair with yak butter? Most importantly, does the sound of cowbells make him weep quietly into his camomile tea.

Write back soon. The suspense is killing me.
karrvakarela said…
Maybe that was rude. I apologise.
wendigo said…
um.. i'm the urban desiger, and i never heard of yak butter. thanks for visiting though :-)
karrvakarela said…
Sorry about that. Just a bit of whimsy that went awry. My apologies.
wendigo said…
whimsy.. just for that word, i forgive you.

no, seriously, no worries! i almost enjoyed the rant.

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