
Anticlimactic beginning to term-time. much awaited meetings fizzled into nothingness. work is not as juicy as it was in my imagination either. guess i was living off mental reruns of a few whiskey sozzled evenings all of last month, evenings when everything felt just right.
it's hard to want something so much even when you know it isn't possible. and definitely not possible yet. childish, stupid and very very hard. i would like to give into desire with abandon and see where it takes me, but i have way too much to lose. and lose i will, tasting the bitterness of rejection, ridicule and failure all at once. i should have been a masochist so i could at least have enjoyed this.
i want him.
i want to be great at what i do.
i want to know which way to go after these enjoyably procrastinatey months of grad school
and i want it all now.
is anyone out there listening? grant me a birthday wish?


Anonymous said…
hundreds of ways
to lose your face

But the time and place
are not right, in this case

too much else at stake
not just your heart that would break

Socha bhi hai ki padhaai ka kya hoga?
Ya loan chukaane ke liye you will sell your toga?

Thoda chill maar.
Life padi hai yaar.
many birthdays to come
Next year definitely, tweedledum.

with love, sincerely
yours truly, tweedledee.

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